
Litchfield Historical Society

The Litchfield Historical Society’s Processing Manual is a training and reference resource for processing staff. It covers the principles of archival processing and discusses provenance, original order, and records handling. 

Helga J. Ingraham Memorial Library Archives and Manuscripts Processing Manual

The second part guides users in creating a finding aid in Archon with instructions for standardized data entry.The accompanying “Cheat Sheet” provides further instructions for standardized data entry in Archon.

Archon Cheat Sheet

Luther College Archives

This manual was prepared to guide processors at Luther College through the process of creating archival descriptions in their customized version of Archon. It details Archon functionality and the elements that need to be completed. It is meant to be used in conjunction with Describing Archives: A Content Standard. Screenshots included.

Collection Level Archival Description Guide in Archon

Oberlin College Archives

This manual discusses creating finding aids in Archon, with primary emphasis on copying legacy paper finding aid description into the tool. It describes how to and what type of description to enter into the finding aid elements, and uploading collection inventories as external documents (e.g. PDF, etc.) as an alternative to Archon’s manual Collection Content Manager. It is geared toward archivists, interns, and student assistants. No screenshots.

Oberlin College Archives Archon Manual

Litchfield_Historical_Society_Processing_Manual.pdf103.47 KB
Litchfield_Historical_Society_Archon_cheat_sheet.pdf191.42 KB
collection level description guide v2.pdf3.73 MB
Archon local guide Oberlin College Archives.pdf98.67 KB