Call for Content


The Archivists and Archives of Color Roundtable actively seeks submissions for its quarterly newsletter. We welcome:

  •     articles about current news and trends
  •     op-ed and perspective pieces on topical issues
  •     descriptions of and examples from digitization initiatives
  •     excerpts from developing or recently completed research projects and scholarly writings
  •     institutional profiles and projects
  •     professional updates
  •     book reviews
  •     events and exhibits
  •     scholarships, grants, and recent acquisitions

Articles that discuss archives outside of the ivory tower, and to explore real world applications and implications are strongly encouraged. Examples of this might be local cultural preservation efforts in a particular city, grassroots projects, or even personal essays. This should go beyond usual case studies to explore a very clear, human impact of archiving (or the lack of archiving) in a community or organization.

Guidelines for Submission:

Manuscripts are to be sent as a Microsoft Word attachment or in plain text in the email body. Submissions in any other format, including images, must be sent as attachments. Please submit materials via email to the Newsletter Editor. Items received after the deadline will be considered for the following newsletter.

Submissions should be a minimum of 500 words. Articles should follow and will be edited according to the Chicago Manual of Style. Due to limited space, please use in-text citations and include a bibliography at the end. Editors reserve the right to make revisions for clarity and brevity. Substantial changes will be submitted for author approval before publication. Photographs or artwork that is included with submission should be in a JPG or TIFF format of at least 300 dpi minimum, and have full copyright permission.

Thank you so much in advance for your help. There are some great stories out there documenting archives that focus on people of color and also highlighting the diversity in our profession. Please consider sharing them with us, so we can share them with the larger archives community.