Steering Committee Meeting, October 2022

Minutes from Steering Committee October 7, 2022


Present: Susan Tucker, Colin Post, Katja Hering



Responses to our survey among the Steering Committee:


We discussed first the survey of the Steering Committee, an attempt to see if the googledocs method could work for us on a larger survey. The results you should be able to see now (at the url above), but if not, let Susan know. It wasn’t an ideal survey since probably better to have yes and no answers predominate.


Susan will reach out to several sections to see if other surveys of membership have been done. 



Steering committee subcommittee on awards. To be on lookout now for submissions, we are organizing the committee of readers. Colin and Katja and Susan volunteered for this, the awards committee. Others may join us. We are going to begin searching for our nominees earlier this year.  The guidelines for the award are posted at




In terms of the college and university archives project, we discussed the excel sheet, noting that much less had been done than expected. Natalie will tell us more at the next meeting. Katja mentioned our hope that others can build on the listing, writing history of such archives. We will begin to consider ways to spread word about the effort, perhaps in an interview for the newsletter. 



New Ideas: We discussed more help on the newsletter in finding content. We discussed asking award winners to present as first in perhaps two annual lectures a year. Susan will write to James Lowry and Riley Linebaugh. 


We noted that by beginning the lecture series we could thus coordinate more work with other sections. 



We briefly discussed the revision of Standing Rules 


The chronology of this is a vote by Council to allow this and then, of membership. The changes we would like to make concern 1. Establishing longer terms on Steering Committee (2-3 years, which is the term in other sections, and 2. Making the newsletter editor a permanent part of the Steering Committee, thus having seven members rather than six, allowing in both instances for Early Career member. 


F. Our next meeting is tentatively scheduled for November 4.