SAA Books in HathiTrust

Access to the Papers of Recent Public Figures: The New Harmony Conference
Alonzo L. Hamby and Edward Weldon, editor (SAA, 1977)

Advocating Archives: An Introduction to Public Relations for Archivists
Elsie Freeman Finch, editor (SAA, 1994)

Appraising the Records of Modern Science and Technology: A Guide
Joan K. Haas, Helen Willa Samuels, Barbara Trippel Simmons (SAA, 1985) 

Archival Theory, Records, and the Public
Trevor Livelton (SAA, 1996)

Archives & Manuscripts: Administration of Photographic Collections
Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler, Gerald J. Munoff, Margery S. Long  (SAA,1984)

Archives & Manuscripts: An Introduction to Automated Access (Basic Manual Series II) 
H. Thomas Hickerson (SAA, 1981)

Archives & Manuscripts: Appraisal & Accessioning (Basic Manual Series I)
Maynard J. Brichford (SAA, 1977)

Archives & Manuscripts: Arrangement & Description (Basic Manual Series I)
David B. Gracy II (SAA, 1977)

Archives & Manuscripts: Conservation — A Manual on Physical Care and Management
Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler (SAA, 1983)

Archives & Manuscripts: Exhibits (Basic Manual Series II)
Gail Farr Casterline (SAA, 1980)

Archives & Manuscripts: Law
Gary M. Peterson (SAA, 1985)

Archives & Manuscripts: Machine-Readable Records
Margaret L. Hedstrom (SAA, 1984)

Archives & Manuscripts: Maps and Architectural Drawings (Basic Manual Series II)
Ralph E. Ehrenberg (SAA, 1982)

Archives & Manuscripts: Public Programs (Basic Manual Series II)
Ann E. Pederson, Gail Farr Casterline (SAA, 1982) 

Archives & Manuscripts: Reference & Access (Basic Manual Series I)
Sue E. Holbert (SAA, 1977) 

Archives & Manuscripts: Reprography (Basic Manual Series II)
Carolyn Hoover Sung (SAA, 1982) 

Archives & Manuscripts: Security (Basic Manual Series I)
Timothy Walch (SAA, 1977)

Archives and Manuscripts: Surveys (Basic Manual Series I)
John A. Fleckner (SAA, 1977)

Archives Assessment and Planning Workbook
edited by Paul H. McCarthy (SAA, 1989) 

Archives, Personal Papers, and Manuscripts: A Cataloging Manual for Archival Repositories, Historical Societies, and Manuscript Libraries
compiled by Steven L. Hensen (SAA, 1989)

Archivists and Machine-Readable Records: Proceedings of the Conference on Archival Management of Machine-Readable Records, February 7-10, 1979, Ann Arbor, Michigan
edited by Carolyn L. Geda, Erik W. Austin, Francis X. Blouin, Jr. (SAA, 1980) 

Arranging and Describing Archives and Manuscripts (Archival Fundamentals Series)
Fredric M. Miller (SAA, 1990)

Automated Records and Techniques in Archives: A Resource Directory
Marion Matters, editor (SAA, 1990)

Basic Archival Workshop: Exercises
Trudy Huskamp Peterson (SAA, 1982) 

Basic Archival Workshops: A Handbook for the Workshop Organizer
Thomas C. Pardo (SAA, 1982)

Business Archives: An Introduction
Edie Hedlin (SAA, 1978) 

CGAP Five-Year Assessment Project: Report on Archival Activity in the United States since Publication of "Planning for an Archival Profession"
prepared by Victoria Irons Walch for the SAA Committee on Goals and Priorities (SAA, 1990) 

College and University Archives: Selected Readings  
(SAA, 1979) 

Developing Collaborative Structures for Expanding the Use of University Collections in Teaching and Research
prepared by Elaine D. Engst and H. Thomas Hickerson (SAA, 1998)

A Directory of State Archives in the United States
compiled by Frank R. Levstik (SAA, 1980)

Electronic Records Management as Strategic Opportunity: A Case Study of the State University of New York, Office of Archives and Records Management
prepared by Thomas J. Galvin (SAA, 1996)

Electronic Records Management as Strategic Opportunity: A Case Study of the State University of New York, Office of Archives and Records Management: Teaching Notes
prepared by Thomas J. Galvin (SAA, 1996)

Encoded Archival Description Application Guidelines, Version 1.0
prepared by the Encoded Archival Description Working Group of the Society of American Archivists. SAA, 1999

Encoded Archival Description Tag Library, Version 2002
prepared and maintained by the Encoded Archival Description Working Group of the Society of American Archivists and the Library of Congress (SAA, 2003) 

Encoded Archival Description Tag Library, Version 1.0
prepared by the Encoded Archival Description Working Group of the Society of American Archivists (SAA, 1999)

Encoded Archival Description: Context, Theory, and Case Studies
edited by Jackie M. Dooley (SAA, 1998)

Evaluation of Archival Institutions: Services, Principles, and Guide to Self-Study
Report of the Task Force on Institutional Evaluation, Society of American Archivists (SAA, 1982) 

Film Preservation: Competing Definitions of Value, Use, and Practice 
Karen F. Gracy (SAA, 2007) 

Forms Manual
prepared by the College and University Archives Committee of the Society of American Archivists (SAA, 1973) 

A Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology (Archival Fundamentals Series II)
Richard Pearce-Moses; advisors: Mark Greene, Rob Spindler, Diane Vogt-O'Connor; editorial advisor, Laurie Baty (SAA, 2005) 

A Glossary for Archivists, Manuscript Curators, and Records Managers (Archival Fundamentals Series)
compiled by Lewis J. Bellardo and Lynn Lady Bellardo SAA, 1992 

A Glossary of Basic Terms for Archivists, Manuscript Curators, and Records Managers
compiled by Frank B. Evans, Donald F. Harrison and]Edwin A. Thompson; edited by William L. Rofes (SAA, 1973) 

Guidelines for College & University Archives
(SAA, 1979) 

The Image of Archivists: Resource Allocators' Perceptions
prepared for Society of American Archivists, Task Force on Archives and Society, by Social Research, Inc. (SAA, 1984) 

Implementing Descriptive Standards at the United Church Central Archives: A Case Study in Automated Techniques for Archives
prepared by Jean E. Dryden (SAA, 1997) 

Information Management, Machine-Readable Records, and Administration: An Annotated Bibliography
Richard M. Kesner, compiler and editor (SAA, 1983) 

Introduction to the USMARC Format for Archival and Manuscripts Control
Marion Matters (SAA, 1990) 

Inventories and Registers: A Handbook of Techniques and Examples
Society of American Archivists Committee on Finding Aids (SAA, 1976) 

Libraries & Archives: An Overview of Risk and Loss Prevention
(Inland Marine Underwriters Association and SAA, 1994)

Management of Archives and Manuscript Collections for Librarians
Richard H. Lytle, editor (SAA, 1980) 

Managing Archival and Manuscript Repositories (Archival Fundamentals Series)
Thomas Wilsted and William Nolte (SAA, 1991) 

Manual for the Arrangement and Description of Archives (Archival Classics Series)
S. Muller, J.A. Feith, R. Fruin (Translation of 2nd edition by Arthur H. Leavitt), with a new introduction by Peter Horsman, Eric Ketelaar, Theo Thomassen and Marjorie Rabe Barritt (SAA, 2003)

MARC for Archives and Manuscripts: The AMC Format
Nancy Sahli (SAA, 1985) 

Modern Archives and Manuscripts: A Select Bibliography
compiled by Frank B. Evans (SAA, 1975) 

Modern Archives: Principles and Techniques (Archival Classics Series)
T. R. Schellenberg (SAA, 1996) 

Native American Archives: An Introduction
John A. Fleckner with a foreword by Dave Warren (SAA, 1984) 

Planning for the Archival Profession: A Report of the SAA Task Force on Goals and Priorities (SAA, 1986) 

Policy and Politics: The Archival Implications of Digital Communications and Culture at the University of Michigan -- A Case Study
prepared by Anne J. Gilliland-Swetland (SAA, 1996) 

A Preliminary Guide to Church Record Repositoiries
Church Archives Committee of the Society of American Archivists (SAA, 1969) 

Preservation Papers of the 1990 SAA Annual Conference
compiled by Karen Garlick for the SAA Preservation Section (SAA, 1990) 

Preservation Papers of the 1991 SAA Annual Conference
compiled by Karen Garlick for the SAA Preservation Section (SAA, 1992) 

Preserving Archives and Manuscripts (Archival Fundamentals Series)
Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler (SAA, 1993) 

Prison Inmate Records in New York State: The Challenge of Modern Government Case Records: A Case Study
Thomas D. Norris (SAA, 1995) 

Prison Inmate Records in New York State: The Challenge of Modern Government Case Records: Teaching Notes
Thomas D. Norris (SAA, 1995) 

Providing Reference Services for Archives and Manuscripts (Archival Fundamentals Series)
Mary Jo Pugh (SAA, 1992) 

Reader for Archives and Records Center Buildings
Victor Gondos, Jr., editor (SAA, 1970) 

Religious Archives: An Introduction
August R. Suelflow (SAA, 1980) 

A Select Bibliography on Business Archives and Records Management
Karen M. Benedict, compiler and editor (SAA, 1981) 

Selecting and Appraising Archives and Manuscripts (Archival Fundamentals Series)
F. Gerald Ham (SAA, 1993) 

Standards for Archival Description: A Handbook
compiled by Victoria Irons Walch for the Working Group on Standards for Archival Description (SAA, 1994) 

Student Assistants in Archival Repositories: A Handbook for Managers
by the College and University Archives Section of the Society of American Archivists (SAA, 1992) 

Thesaurus of University Terms
developed at Case Western Reserve University Archives by Jill M. Tatem, Jeffrey Rollison (SAA, 1986) 

Towards National Information Systems for Archives and Manuscript Repositories: The National Information Systems Task Force (NISTF) Papers, 1981-1984
David Bearman (SAA, 1987) 

Understanding Archives and Manuscripts (Archival Fundamentals Series)
James M. O'Toole (SAA, 1990) 

Understanding Progress as Process: Documentation of the History of Post-War Science and Technology in the United States
Clark A. Elliott, editor (Final Report of the Joint Committee on Archives of Science and Technology) (SAA, 1983) 

Using Information Technologies to Build Strategic Collaborations: The State of Alabama as a Test Case — A Case Study in Archives Management
prepared by Charles M. Dollar and Deborah S. Skaggs (SAA, 1996) 

The WPA Historical Records Survey: A Guide to the Unpublished Inventories, Indexes, and Transcripts
compiled by Loretta L. Hefner (SAA, 1980)