Negotiating the Landscape of Born-Digital Photographs: Part 2

This course has been retired.
Certificate Eligibility: 
0.75 CEU, 5 ARC
1 day
Tactical and Strategic

This course comprises two parts: a prerequisite 90-minute webcast and this one-day course. Those who register for Part 2 (this course) will get access to Part 1 (the webcast) as part of their course fee.


This course builds upon the principles and examples presented in the webcast. You’ll experience working “hands-on” with digital photographs and some suggested shareware programs. The instructors will walk you through the steps of acquisition to processing, interview a photographer and a family collection assembler (the instructors), and use various shareware programs to perform basic capture, analysis, arrangement, and description. Attendees will benefit from this gathering whether they work in smaller shops without technical support or within an environment that includes an information technology department. The knowledge gained in this course will also help archivists work proactively with their donors, and be effective in creating best practices and policies for managing born-digital visual collections.

Learning Outcomes: 
Upon completion of this course, you'll be able to:
Recognize that working with archival born-digital photographs involves more than just preservation and discovery; it’s also about understanding the medium
Recognize key milestones within the history of digital photography
Identify the basic components of raster images, photographic file formats, and embedded photographic metadata
Distinguish between camera-generated original files, photographer-created master files, and derivatives and versions—all of which are candidates for permanent parts of the archival collection
Discuss workflows with photographers-as-potential-donors to learn how they created, organized, and managed their born-digital images
Utilize standards and practices commonly associated with archival acquisition and processing of traditional photographic materials when working with born-digital image files
Describe and implement standards and tools that support the acquisition, appraisal, description, and arrangement of born-digital image files
Who Should Attend: 

Any archivist or records manager involved with the acquisition and/or archival processing of born-digital photographs

What You Should Already Know: 

Recommended: Basics of Managing Electronic Records: Getting You Started


Familiarity with Photographs: Archival Care and Management (Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 2006), chapters one through six


Useful but not required: Arrangement and Description of Electronic Records: Parts I and II

DAS Core Competency: 
1. Explain the nature of digital records and their lifecycle.
2. Communicate and define terminology, requirements, roles, and responsibilities related to digital archives to a variety of stakeholders.
3. Formulate strategies and tactics for appraising, acquiring, describing, managing, organizing, preserving, and delivering digital archives.
4. Incorporate technologies throughout the archival lifecycle.
If you intend to pursue the DAS Certificate, you will need to pass the examination for this course.
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