SAA's New Book Cuts Across Disciplines to Teach Primary Source Research Skills

CHICAGO—SAA is excited to announce the release of Teaching Primary Source Research Skills to 21st-Century Learners, a new book by Julie Thomas. This comprehensive guide offers educators a practical roadmap for teaching primary source research skills (PSRS) that transcends disciplinary boundaries. Featuring educational theory, interdisciplinary methodologies, and modern case studies, Thomas’s book offers a blueprint that is scalable for learners at every skill level.

For teachers in any field, this book is more than just theoretical exploration; it is a hands-on guide filled with actionable advice and practical applications. Educators will find a wealth of examples and strategies for teaching novice, advanced, and expert learners, along with guidance on assessment and outreach activities tailored to the needs of diverse classrooms. Readers will also find a breakdown of the unique characteristics of 21st-century modern learners and how they differ from previous generations of learners.

Although professionals have long faced what Thomas describes as a “void in guidance for primary source research skills and instruction,” this book aims to fill that gap and serve as a concrete starting point to help educators make informed decisions about their curriculum.

The book is available in print and as an eBook. Learn more about Teaching Primary Source Research Skills to 21st Century Learners in the SAA bookstore.