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I. Purpose
In support of SAA Strategic Priority 1 Desired Outcome #3, “SAA will make increasingly effective use of current and emerging technology to enhance communication with internal and external audiences and stimulate collaboration among its constituents,” the Communications Task Force is charged with advising the SAA Council on practical ways to enhance SAA’s communications with a focus on three areas: intended audiences, content/messages, and tools/channels.
II. Task Force Selection, Size, and Length of Term
Following an open call for participation, the SAA Vice President shall appoint five members, one of whom should be a Council member and all of whom should have expertise in the topics defined in the Purpose statement, and who should collectively include both newer and more experienced archivists. At least one member should be drawn from the active membership of the now-disbanded Communications Technology Working Group. One member shall serve as chair. The length of term of members shall be one year from their appointment with a possible extension should the task force need more time or be re-constituted as a Working Group.
III. Reporting Procedures
The task force will provide an update on its progress prior to each Council meeting. A preliminary report and recommendations shall be delivered to the Council by the time of its spring 2013 meeting, with a final report and recommendations made by the time of the August 2013 Council meeting.
IV. Duties and Responsibilities
The task force will deliver to the Council a final report with recommendations as to which of SAA’s current communication venues and practices should be maintained, revised, or discontinued and why, and which (if any) new venues or practices should be implemented. In addition to other research and activities the task force deems necessary to meet its charge, the task force shall:
V. Meetings
The task force will accomplish its work primarily via email, conference call, Skype, Google+ hangout, and perhaps an in-person meeting at the 2012 Annual Meeting.
Adopted by the SAA Council: June 8, 2012.