All SAA members are welcome to attend the Annual Membership (Business) Meeting, which features reports by the officers and executive director and other business brought before the membership. One hundred individual members constitute a quorum. Voting members must display their specially labeled registration badge to vote at the meeting. Primary contacts of institutional members will receive a voting card at Registration that they must display to vote. To view the SAA Constitution and Bylaws, see:
Presiding: Meredith Evans, PhD, SAA Vice President
Parliamentarian: Scott Cline, CA
1. Call to Order (Meredith Evans)
2. Report of the Executive Director (Nancy Beaumont) (Remarks | Slides)
3. Report of the Treasurer (Amy Fitch) (Remarks | Slides)
4. Report of the 2019 Nominating Committee (Dominique Luster, Chair)
5. New Business* (Meredith Evans)
6. Listening Session: A*CENSUS II (A*CENSUS II Task Force)
7. Announcements / Appreciation (Meredith Evans)
8. Adjournment (Meredith Evans)
At the beginning of the Society's annual business meeting, the President shall present the following rules for adoption by a majority vote of those members present and voting. Once adopted, the rules may be suspended or amended only by a two-thirds (2/3rds) majority of members present and voting unless such suspension or amendment conflicts with the Society's constitution or bylaws. Notice of the rules of the business meeting shall be made in writing to all meeting registrants through their registration packets.