Directory of Archival Consultants

Are you looking for an archives consultant?

This easy-to-use Directory of Archival Consultants contains information about experts across the country who provide professional consulting services on various aspects of archives and archiving. All listings in this directory are paid listings. Information provided by consultants is not independently checked or verified.

Search Tips:

  • Areas of expertise include primary terms (listed in the right-hand margin) as well as secondary specialty terms
  • To search by expertise or by state, start typing your keyword into the field(s) below.
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Backlog specializes in archives management for organizations with rich histories. 

Expertise: Collection Assessment; Digital Preservation Training; Facilities planning and development; Finding aids; Fundraising and grant writing; Management and administration; Outreach and public programs; Policy development; Records management; Records survey planning and implementation; Software applications; Staff training and recruitment
Contact Name: Emma Prince, C.A., M.S.
St Louis, MO

Digital Archivy is a turnkey archival consulting firm based in New York, NY that works with institutions to

  • Conduct needs assessments and user surveys and identify standards and best practice
  • Update digital preservation strategy,  policies, plans, workflows and road maps
  • Launch digital archives, add metadata, and provide research on users, options, and other...
Expertise: Audiovisual preservation and digitization; Archival standards; Cataloging; Digitization / digital program development; Electronic records management; Management and administration; Outreach and public programs; Records management; Records survey planning and implementation
Contact Name: David Kay, MLS
Brooklyn, NY
Expertise: Archival appraisal; Archival program evaluation; Archival standards; Digitization / digital program development; Religious archives consolidation; Exhibit planning and implementation; Facilities planning and development; Oral history planning and implementation; Records management; Records survey planning and implementation; Staffing and implementation
Contact Name: Jane Kenamore, CA
Wilmette, IL

Work with our Trusted Subject Matter Experts

Our internationally-recognized consulting team is a trusted partner in information gathering, recommending best practices, and providing guidance for decision making. To date, our services have helped over 500 clients and procured an estimated one million dollars in grant funding for cultural heritage institutions.

Areas of Expertise 

  • Digitization & Metadata
  • Disaster Planning & Response
  • Environmental Assessment & Preservation
  • Project Management
  • Space Planning
  • and more!

Cost Effective Solutions...

Expertise: Needs Assessments; Archival and Library Security; Audiovisual preservation and digitization; Community Programs; Archival standards; Digital Preservation; Digitization / digital program development; Project Management; Disaster preparedness; Site assessments; Facilities planning and development; Storage and housing; Policy development; Preservation; Records management; Records survey planning and implementation; Strategic planning
Contact Name: Katy Klettlinger
Serving the US and abroad

Margot Note Consulting LLC offers information strategy and archives and records management services.

Leaders look to Margot to transform information chaos to clarity, helping them make better decisions, win grants, and save money. Most importantly, they gain peace of mind knowing that their project is handled by an expert. Clients have come to value Margot’s ability to complete projects on time, on budget, and tailored to their needs. They understand that to manage with a sense of history is not to be tethered...

Expertise: Archival appraisal; Archival program evaluation; Archival standards; Arrangement and description; Budgeting and financial planning; Digitization / digital program development; Electronic records management; Finding aids; Fundraising and grant writing; Management and administration; Policy development; Records management; Records survey planning and implementation; Strategic planning
Contact Name: Margot Note, CA, CRM, IGP, PMP
New York, NY

Second Space Archives Consulting provides consultative services on all aspects of the care and management of digital and physical archival collections, including management, appraisal, processing, preservation, conservation, and access. We are available to assist cultural heritage organizations including academic and public public libraries, community-based archives, museums, federal libraries & archives, and individuals with private collections, with management of their collections by applying professional standards to their archives assets. We are experienced experts with extensive knowledge in the care of traditional...

Expertise: Collection Assessment; Collection Assessment Surveys; Digital Asset Management; IRS appraisal of archives; Audiovisual preservation and digitization; Minimal Processing Techniques; Archival standards; Budgeting and financial planning; Cataloging; Disaster preparedness; Electronic records management; Exhibit planning and implementation; Facilities planning and development; Finding aids; Fundraising and grant writing; Government relations; Management and administration; Oral history planning and implementation; Outreach and public programs; Policy development; Preservation; Records management; Records survey planning and implementation; Software applications; Staff training and recruitment; Staffing and implementation; Strategic planning
Contact Name: Bergis Jules
Indianapolis, IN