Benefits of Membership

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member (or renewing your support as a member) of the Society of American Archivists! SAA is your professional partner throughout your career. We help to keep you abreast of the latest news and developments in the field through a variety of high-quality programs and activities offered to members at substantial discounts.

The Society of American Archivists offers several categories of membership. Learn about the different types of membership via the links below:

Individual Member Application (PDF) | Institutional Member Appliction (PDF)

SAA Programs and Services

Individual members of SAA enjoy access to the following indispensable resources:

American Archivist (Journal)

The premier journal of the archives profession, this semi-annual periodical features research articles, literature reviews, case studies, perspectives, and international reports. Individual full members and associate members receive complimentary access to the American Archivist.

Archival Outlook (Magazine)

Stay abreast of the latest news and information that is essential to the archives community. This bimonthly magazine includes how-to pieces and reports on innovations in the profession, SAA activities, upcoming events, and more!

Member discounts on:

Career Services Commons

The Commons is a space for students, early-career archivists, and others to connect with experienced archives professionals. Designed in response to the continued success of the Career Center at the SAA Annual Meeting, the Career Services Commons is now a permanent online space for SAA members! To learn more or to apply, please visit the Career Services Commons page

Mentoring Program

SAA's Mentoring Program brings together members with expertise in subjects and members who want to build their knowledge within those subject areas. To learn more or to apply, please visit the Mentoring Program page.

Section Membership

Connect with colleagues who share your areas of expertise and/or special interest by joining an unlimited number of sections.

Access to the SAA Membership Directory

Networking opportunities abound with contact information for all SAA individual and institutional members.

Individual Membership

Individual membership is open to those who are or have been engaged in the custody, study, teaching, or control of archives, records, or private papers, or who wish to support the objectives of the Society. Individual Full members are eligible:

Annual dues for individual members are:

Individual Member Application (PDF) | Institutional Member Appliction (PDF)

Student Membership

Student membership is open to individuals in degree-conferring programs and confers many member benefits at a significantly reduced rate. Such benefits include:

Student members are also eligible:

For more insight about the benefits of membership, see what students themselves have to say:  Feedback from the 2006 Student Forum (PDF)

(Please note: Individuals who select this option must mail, fax, or email proof of active enrollment (e.g., a dated copy of your student ID/enrollment receipt or a signed letter/email from your faculty advisor) before your membership application or renewal can be completed.) Proof of enrollment should be sent directly to the SAA Service Center via fax at 312-606-0728 or email at servicecenter [@]

Annual dues for a student member are $55 per year.


Discover more Student Resources

Subscribe to the SAA Students Email Discussion List

Browse the Directory of SAA Student Chapters

Associate Membership

Associate membership is limited to: a) individuals living in the United States who support the objectives of the Society but who are either not professionally responsible for custody or control of records, archives, or private papers or who are not engaged in the study or teaching of archives; and b) individuals living outside the United States whose primary allegiance is to their own national archival association.

Associate members are eligible:

Annual dues for associate members are:

Institutional Membership

Institutional membership is open to institutions or agencies responsible for or substantially interested in the custody, study, teaching, control, or use of archives, records, and/or private papers. Institutional members are eligible to receive the benefits of the Society's programs and services. Each institutional member may also identify a "primary contact" person who is eligible to vote, hold office, and serve on appointed groups.

SAA Thanks the Following Sustaining Institutional Members
for Their Ongoing Support!

Annual dues for institutional members are:

Download application PDF.

Types of Institutional Membership



* Authentication via your institution’s IP range(s) means that any user connecting to American Archivist Online from your institution’s computer network will have access to the journal.

The Role of the Institution's "Primary Contact"

Member institutions may designate one primary contact who is or has been engaged in the custody or control of archives, records, or private papers at the institution, or who wishes to support the objectives of the Society. This individual receives the following benefits on behalf of the institution: