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[albumen process] Negatives: An old process invented by Niepce de St. Victor, in 1848. Glass was coated with albumen containing potassium iodide, and the film was sensitized by dipping in a nitrate of silver bath. Many modifications followed, but probabl |
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[amendment] 1. A change made in proposed legislation after it has been formally introduced. An amendment may be proposed by the committee to which the bill was referred, or it may be proposed by a Member from the floor of either House when it is brought u |
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[An analysis of the ideal structure of an integrated procedure1 that generates a document includes the following phases. 1) Introductory phase or initiative, the start of the procedure. 2) Preliminary phase or inquiry, the elements necessary to evaluate t |
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[An enrolled bill is] printed on paper (formerly copied by a clerk in a fair, round hand on parchment) and is signed first by the Speaker of the House and second by the President of the Senate. On the back is an attestation by the Clerk of the House or th |
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[archival bond] The relationship that links each record, incrementally, to the previous and subsequent ones and to all those which participate in the same activity. It is originary (i.e., it comes into existence when a record is made or received and set a |
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[archival integrity] A basic standard derived from the principle of provenance and the registry principle which requires that an archive/record group shall be preserved in its entirety without division, mutilation, alienation, unauthorized destruction or |
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[archival integrity] A basic standard derived from the principle of provenance and the registry principle which requires that an archive/record group shall be preserved in its entirety without division, mutilation, alienation, unauthorized destruction or |
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[archival medium] Recording material that can be expected to retain information forever, so that such information can be retrieved without significant loss when properly stored. However, there is no such material and it is not a term to be used in America |
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[archival6 data] Information that is not directly accessible to the user of a computer system but that the organization maintains for long-term storage and record-keeping purposes. Archival data may be written to removable media such as a CD, magneto-opti |
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[audiovisual work] Works that consist of a series of related images which are intrinsically intended to be shown by the use of machines, or devices such as projectors, viewers, or electronic equipment, together with accompanying sounds, if any, regardless |
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[A] large portion of electronic records has a narrative function, that is, it does not relate to business activity other than by being the expression of the way in which individuals set themselves to work and go through the informal motions of carrying ou |
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[A] witness who gives foundation testimony should be thoroughly familiar with the recordkeeping system that produced the document. The witness should be prepared to testify concerning the steps that went into preparation of the document, procedures used t |
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[Beginning in 1964] LC developed two separate systems, the Master Record of Manuscript Collections (MRMC) to provide administrative control over holdings, and SPINDEX (emerging out of the previous punch card project) to provide automated forms of access t |
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[best practices] A business management term for optimal tactics and strategies. Best practices do not guarantee success; rather, they describe those tactics and strategies used in successful companies. |
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[Calendered paper is] given a smooth surface by rolling, when newly-made, between smooth cylinders under pressure. Paper which receives a minimum of calendering emerges as an antique. With more calendering it acquires a machine finish, then an English fin |
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[Collection1] A body of archival material formed by or around a person, family group, corporate body, or subject either from a common source as a natural product of activity or function, or gathered purposefully and artificially without regard to original |
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[Describing Rejlander's use of combination printing to create The Two Ways of Life.] He would have needed a huge studio and many models to take this picture with a single negative. Instead, he enlisted the services of a troupe of strolling players and pho |
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[Dublin Core Metadata Initiative] An organization dedicated to promoting the widespread adoption of interoperable metadata standards and developing specialized metadata vocabularies for describing resources that enable more intelligent information discove |
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[Duranti] speaks of the 'nature' of archives as a fixed and immutable reality from which true archival theory derives. The nature of archives, however, is a human postulate, based on human assumptions and logically derived from those assumptions. These |
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[EAD] is intended to provide repositories with a means of establishing an effective, accessible, and stable presence for their holdings information. EAD accommodates variations in the length and content of finding aids within and among repositories, and |
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[file5] There is a well defined distinction between filing an instrument, and offering it for record or causing it to be recorded. The term 'recorded' signifies copied or transcribed into a permanent book, while the term 'filing' signifies merely deliver |
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[From the act:] To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to improve portability and continuity of health insurance coverage in the group and individual markets, to combat waste, fraud, and abuse in health insurance and health care delivery, to promote t |
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[Graphic3] A two-dimensional representation whether opaque (e.g., art original and reproductions, flash cards, photographs, technical drawings) or intended to be viewed, or projected without motion, by means of an optical device (e.g., film strips, stereo |
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[Henry Adams'] 1910 report 'To American Teachers of History' . . . attempted to demonstrate that Darwinism, thermodynamics and modern scientific thought must influence the teaching of history as a scientific discipline. He argued that historians must re |
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[information] A theory of information was first formulated in 1948 by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver as a theory of communication to study the receiving, conserving, processing, and transmitting of signals. The notion of information, however, goes back |
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