Group News Item |
Where the Money Went by Jack O'Malley (Los Angeles Archivists Collective) |
hbarlow |
Human Rights Archives Section |
Group Page |
Where to Promote Awards |
elawrimo |
Awards Committee |
Glossary Citation |
Whereas reliability is connected to the process of documentary creation, authenticity is connected to its transmission and involves verifying or establishing the document's authorship, its place and date of origin, its status as an original or copy, and t |
cp_admin |
Glossary Citation |
Whereas the traditional focus of Management Information Systems (MIS) has been on the storage and processing of large amounts of information, the focus of EIS is on the retrieval of specific information about the daily operational status of the organizati |
cp_admin |
Glossary Citation |
Whether something is a primary or secondary source depends on how it is used, not some quality of the document or record itself. . . . For example, Sandburg's biography of Lincoln is a primary source for Sandburg researchers but a secondary source for Lin |
cp_admin |
Glossary Citation |
While court files always have been public, they were considered to enjoy 'practical obscurity.' That is, the records were stored in such an inaccessible fashion that only the determined and resourceful could obtain them. To this day, most records probably |
cp_admin |
Glossary Citation |
While it is true that there is a distinction between fraud and forgery, and forgery contains some elements that are not included in fraud, forgeries are a species of fraud. In essence, the crime of forgery involves the making, altering, or completing of a |
cp_admin |
Glossary Citation |
While the visual authority of the photograph is now increasingly undermined by the wizardry of digital technology, the 'truthfulness of facts' in a photograph has always been presumed to reside in its verisimilitude. Ever since Paul Delaroche purportedly |
cp_admin |
News Article |
White House Budget Again Zeroes Out Key Humanities Agencies |
fowens |
News Article |
White House Issues Memorandum on FOIA |
crsalgado |
Glossary Citation |
Who among us hasn't felt trapped in a tangle of paperwork and bureaucratic red tape, unable to make a move without a form? |
cp_admin |
Group News Item |
Who Betrayed Anne Frank? Former F.B.I. Agent Reopens a Cold Case (New York Times) |
hbarlow |
Human Rights Archives Section |
Glossary Citation |
Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present, controls the past. . . . The mutability of the past is the central tenet of Ingsoc. Past events, it is argued, have no objective existence, but survive only in written records and in hu |
cp_admin |
Page |
Who We Are |
cp_admin |
Group Page |
Who's Who in AAC |
syaco |
Archivists and Archives of Color Section |
Blurb |
Why Are You An Archivist? |
mblack |
Blurb |
Why People Love Archives |
mblack |
Annual Meeting Page |
Why Portland? |
fowens |
Glossary Term |
widescreen |
cp_admin |
Group Page |
Wikipedia Editing Resources |
jgotwals |
Women's Collections Section |
Leader |
Wilda Logan Willis |
crsalgado |
Leader Role |
Wilda Logan Willis - Council Member |
crsalgado |
News Article |
Wildfire Recovery Resources |
fowens |
Leader |
Wilfred I. Smith |
crsalgado |
Leader Role |
Wilfred I. Smith - Council Member |
crsalgado |