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Glossary Term X12 cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:10pm
Glossary Term X3.4 cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:10pm
Glossary Term Xanadu cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:10pm
Unofficial Standards Resource xEAD matienzo 07/02/2012 - 1:35pm
Glossary Term xerography cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:10pm
Glossary Term XHTML cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:10pm
Program Course XML bantin 09/07/2012 - 12:09pm
Glossary Term XML cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:10pm
Glossary Citation XML documents are containers for information. Within the primary container may be information and more containers, which themselves may contain information and more containers. These named containers form neatly hierarchical structures, creating an incr cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation XML Schemas express shared vocabularies and allow machines to carry out rules made by people. They provide a means for defining the structure, content and semantics of XML documents. cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:12pm
Glossary Term XSL cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:10pm
Glossary Term XSLT cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:10pm
Unofficial Standards Resource Yale Finding Aids Creation Tool (FACT) matienzo 07/02/2012 - 1:37pm
Glossary Citation Source Yates 1989 cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:03pm
Glossary Term yellowing cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:10pm
Glossary Citation Yet when archivists focus on a single photograph, they are quickly denounced as 'curators,' suggesting somehow that single photographs are less deserving of individual attention than are single written documents. The pejorative tone attached to the term cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Group News Item You can find news and updates related to the Women Archivists Roundtable on Facebook and Twitter, too! rachael.dreyer@... Women Archivists Section 06/03/2014 - 4:38pm
News Article You Can Help! The Climate Data Harvest Project fowens 10 10/16/2024 - 6:47am
Blurb You Can Help! The Climate Data Harvest Project fowens 12/16/2016 - 5:03pm
Group News Item You can still submit a Federal Funding Impact Story (and read some that have already been posted) hbarlow Human Rights Archives Section 04/30/2017 - 9:05pm
Annual Meeting Page Your First Annual Meeting: How to Arrive—and Thrive crsalgado 05/20/2013 - 3:27pm
Annual Meeting Page Your First Annual Meeting: How to Arrive—and Thrive fowens 04/13/2016 - 3:33pm
Annual Meeting Page Your First Annual Meeting: How to Arrive—and Thrive crsalgado 04/08/2015 - 4:18pm
Annual Meeting Page Your First Annual Meeting: How to Arrive—and Thrive cp_admin 02/27/2014 - 11:08am
Group News Item Your Photo Here! jrsharp Public Library Archives/Special Collections Section 12/26/2014 - 12:20pm