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Glossary Citation To have a transaction3 it is not sufficient to have a communication, but it is necessary that such a communication creates, modifies, maintains, or extinguishes a relationship with other persons. cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:12pm
Course Faculty Tom Rosko alook 12/07/2010 - 2:37pm
Program Faculty Trevor T Smith alook 02/09/2012 - 3:08pm
Program Faculty Tyler O Walters alook 02/09/2012 - 3:09pm
Course Faculty Veronica Martzahl mcapodilupo 04/13/2015 - 11:25am
Glossary Citation Vertical filing systems organized by intended use rather than by origin and chronology allowed companies to create an accessible corporate memory to supplement or supercede individual memories. cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Course Faculty Virginia Hunt cp_admin 03/26/2016 - 11:52am
Program Faculty Virginia Tucker pfranks 12/20/2011 - 3:58pm
Blurb WANTED: Coordinator of The American Archivist Reviews Portal zimmeralc 06/06/2016 - 11:51am
Course Faculty Waverly Lowell alook 12/08/2010 - 5:25pm
Program Faculty Wesley Boomgaarden kgracy 04/19/2010 - 1:41pm
Program Faculty Wesley L. Boomgaarden kgracy 04/01/2010 - 3:32pm
Course Faculty William Maher alook 12/07/2010 - 2:05pm
Program Faculty William Anderson Gallo6585 06/11/2013 - 12:52pm
Program Faculty William Fisher pfranks 04/01/2010 - 3:32pm
Program Faculty William Landis bastian 04/01/2010 - 3:31pm
Course Faculty William Maher aruffin 09/06/2023 - 2:39pm
Program Faculty Zhongxiang Xia alook 02/09/2012 - 3:10pm
Glossary Citation [Acid migration] may occur either when the two materials are in contact with each other, or by vapor transfer from one material to nearby materials not actually in contact with it. Boards, endpapers, and protective tissues, as well as the paper covers of cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:10pm
Glossary Citation [Broadsides] provide information, commentary, proclamation, or other announcement or advertisement. Primarily posted but also distributed by hand. They are usually less pictorial than posters and have more extensive text than signs. cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:10pm
Glossary Citation [CITRA] membership is that of the Delegates Meeting. It is held in between quadrennial international congresses and allows members holding important responsibilities within the profession to meet every year to debate their views, update their knowledge a cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation [collotype] A process known also as phototype, and in slight variations, as Albertype, Artotype, etc. It is based on the principle that if a film of bichromated gelatin is exposed to light under a negative, and the unaltered bichromate is washed out, the cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation [Variants] are frequent in hand-printed books and are accounted for by the fact that mistakes were noticed and the type altered during printing, the sheets already printed remaining untouched. cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:12pm
Glossary Citation [Yahoo!] introduced its Content Acquisition Program designed to index the billions of documents contained in public databases but that are commonly inaccessible to search engines, or what's called the invisible or deep Web. cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Group News Item "A Call to Action" CHWG Survey jenniferoneal Cultural Heritage Working Group 01/19/2015 - 8:03pm