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Type Title Author Repliessort icon Groups Last post
Student Chapter Annual Report 2005 Annual Report crsalgado Wright State University 01/12/2011 - 3:14pm
Group Page Advocacy News and Actions Cchartier Issues and Advocacy Section 03/01/2011 - 2:54pm
Leader Role John A. Fleckner - Council Member crsalgado 03/15/2011 - 5:41pm
Leader Role Susan E. Fox -E.D. crsalgado 03/22/2011 - 1:17pm
Timeline Event Distinguished Fellows Class of 1996 vonru22605 04/19/2011 - 3:53pm
Timeline Event Editor Frank H. Mackaman vonru22605 05/12/2011 - 1:00pm
Glossary Citation Source InterPARES2 cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 1:03pm
Glossary Term Art and Architecture Thesaurus cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 1:04pm
Glossary Term cinefilm cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 1:05pm
Glossary Term data value cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 1:05pm
Glossary Term endorsement cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 1:06pm
Glossary Term gloss cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 1:06pm
Glossary Term IT9.17 cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 1:07pm
Glossary Term MS23 cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 1:07pm
Glossary Term phonetic index cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 1:08pm
Glossary Term records maintenance and use cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 1:09pm
Glossary Term solarization cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 1:09pm
Glossary Term use analysis cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 1:10pm
Glossary Citation Written collection development policies are advocated as a way to ensure that collections have coherent and well-defined focus, while cooperative collecting practices are seen as a way to ensure that related materials are not scattered among far-flung rep cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 1:11pm
Glossary Citation Over the past two decades, the Library of Congress has been at the forefront of the development of deacidification processes that can be applied en masse to large collections. In its search for an ideal mass deacidification process, the Library invented a cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 1:11pm
Glossary Citation Supported by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, the University of Pittsburgh School of Information Sciences has conducted a research project to examine variables that affect the integration of recordkeeping requirements in elect cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 1:12pm
Timeline Event Ann Arbor Accords bhouston 07/14/2011 - 12:26pm
News Article Volunteers Sought for Annual Meeting Task Force rmueller 08/27/2011 - 4:21pm
Annual Meeting Page Hotel Fees crsalgado 10/13/2011 - 3:51pm
Program Degree History MA (General History) mcmorgan9800 01/09/2012 - 5:31pm