digital certificate |
digital audio tape |
digital assets management system |
digital archival object |
digital |
digest |
diffusion transfer process |
dictionary catalog |
dictamen |
diazo process |
diazo film |
diary |
diacetate |
destruction suspension |
destruction schedule |
destruction |
design drawing |
Design Criteria for Electronic Records Management Software Applications |
desiderata |
desiccant |
descriptor |
descriptive unit |
descriptive standard |
descriptive record |
descriptive metadata |
descriptive element |
descriptive cataloging |
descriptive bibliography |
description |
Describing Archives: A Content Standard |
derivative work |
depth of description |
depth indexing |
depository |
deposition |
deposit |
density |
densitometric method (silver) |
densitometer |
delimited ASCII sequential files |
deletion |
delamination |
dehumidification |
degaussing |
definitive edition |
deep web |
deed of gift |
deed |
decomposition vent |
decoding |
declassification |
decision support system |
decimal filing system |
deacidification |
deaccessioning |
de jure standard |
de facto standard |
DC |
daybook |
day file |
datum |
date range |
date |
database management system |
database |
data warehouse |
data value standard |
data value |
data type |
data structure standard |
data structure |
data strip |
data set |
data record |
data protection |
data processing |
data object |
data model |
data mining |
data file |
data field |
data entry |
data element |
data directory |
data dictionary |
data content standard |
data compression |
data base |
data architecture |
data |
dark archives |
daguerreotype |
cylinder |
cyanotype |
cutting |
cutoff |