self-indexing files |
self-documenting |
selection |
select and dispose |
segregation |
see reference |
see also reference |
security microfilming |
security copy |
security classification |
security |
section |
secretarial notes |
secondary value |
secondary source |
seascape |
searcher |
search room |
search |
seal |
script |
screenplay |
screening |
scrapbook |
scope note |
scope and contents note |
schema |
schedule |
scene |
scanning |
scanner |
scale |
Sarbanes-Oxley Act |
sampling |
salvage plan |
safety film |
Sabattier effect |
s.n. |
s.l. |
rushes |
run |
Rules for Archival Description |
row |
rough cut |
rough |
rotated index |
rotary scanner |
rotary camera |
roll film |
roll |
risk management |
risk analysis |
rights-and-interests records |
rights management |
RFC 2822 |
RFC 2045 |
RFC 1738 |
RFC 1737 |
RFC 1630 |
reversibility |
reversal film |
reusable media |
retrieval |
retouching |
retirement |
reticulation |
retention schedule |
retention review |
retention period |
restriction |
restore |
restoration of original order |
restoration |
responsibility |
respect for original order |
respect for archival structure |
respect des fonds |
respect de l'ordre intérieur |
Resource Description Framework |
resource |
resolution |
resin-coated paper |
residual hypo test |
residual data |
researcher |
research value |
research room |
Research Libraries Information Network |
Research Libraries Group |
Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records |
request slip |
request for comment |
request |