Rare Book and Manuscript Section

n. aprofessional organization that promotes the interests of librarians, curators, and other specialists concerned with the acquisition, organization, security, preservation, administration, and use of special collections, including rare printed books, manuscripts, archives, graphics, music, and ephemera


RBMS is part of the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL), a division of the American Library Association.


RBMS 2020RBMS works to prepare special collections libraries and librarians to better serve the needs of users by creating opportunities for professional growth in special collections librarianship. In pursuit of its mission, RBMS: defines, develops, and promulgates guidelines; initiates and encourages continuing professional education programs; promotes study, research, and publication relevant to work in special collections; [and] provides its members with a means of communication through its publications, programs, workshops, seminars, and meetings.