The J. Franklin Jameson Archival Advocacy Award honors an individual, institution, or organization that promotes greater public awareness, appreciation, or support of archival activities or programs. The individual's or institution's contributions may take the form of advocacy, publicity, legislation, financial support, or a similar action that fosters archival work or raises public consciousness of the importance of archival work. Contributions should have broad, long-term impact at the regional level or beyond.
Nominees must be from outside the archives profession.
Individuals directly involved in archival work, either as paid or volunteer staff, or institutions or organizations directly responsible for an archival program are not eligible for this award.
A completed nomination form.
Established in 1989, the award honors J. Franklin Jameson, a noted American historian, former president of the American Historical Association, and long-time advocate for the establishment of a U.S. National Archives. The award is funded by the Society of American Archivists Foundation. Up to three awards may be given each year.
A plaque.
The J. Franklin Jameson Archival Advocacy Award Subcommittee of the SAA Awards Committee consists of four members of SAA:
Click here to preview the nomination form and/or to start a nomination. All nominations must be submitted by February 28 of each year.
2024: Dr. Elaine Carey
2023: The West Virginia Feminist Activist Collection (WVFAC) Advisory Team (Christine Weiss Daugherty, Susan Kelley, Dr. Judith Stitzel, and Carroll Wilkinson)
2022: Not Awarded
2021: Not Awarded
2020: Brad Pomerance, CJ Eastman AND Council of Independent Colleges’ Humanities Research for the Public Good Program
2019: Tempestt Hazel AND The Kitchen Sisters (Davia Nelson and Nikki Silva)
2018: Yvonne Lewis Holley AND Brad Meltzer
2017: Environmental Data & Governance Initiative (EDGI)
2016: Lin-Manuel Miranda and Ron Chernow
2015: Adrena Ifill Blagburn
2014: LGBT Center of Central PA History Project AND National History Day
2013: AARP Virginia and Dr. Warren Stewart
2012: Eve Kahn, Bebe Miller, Phillip Stewart
2011: “Who Do You Think You Are?” (NBC)
2010: The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation
2009: Ross King (Georgia Historical Records Advisory Board)
2008: Data-Intensive Cyber Environments (DICE)
2007: The Chicago Tribune (accepted by Debra K. Bade)
2006: U.S. Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada)
2005: George F. Farr, Jr.
2004: Not awarded
2003: Arizona State University
2002: Joan Winters, Louise Addis
2001: Not awarded
2000: Not awarded
1999: John B. Harlan
1998: Newsday
1997: Kraft Foods, Inc.
1996: Richard Benson
1995: Not awarded
1994: Hudson's Bay Company
1993: Thomas D. Clark, Louise McBee, John Marshall
1992: Not awarded
1991: New York State Assembleyman William B. Hoyt and The Mellon Foundation
1990: U.S. Senator Mark O. Hatfield (R-Oregon)
1989: U.S. Senator Thomas F. Eagleton (D-Missouri)