Section III. Executive Committee
A. Composition
- The Executive Committee is composed of the president, vice president, treasurer, and one third-year Council member who is elected annually by the nine Council members for a term of one year.1
- Executive Committee members also serve on the SAA Foundation Board of Directors.2
B. Duties3
- Act for the Council in conducting the affairs of the Society between meetings of the Council. The president will chair the Committee and convene its sessions.
- Approve the selection of the auditor and investment consultant(s).4
- Conduct an annual performance review of the executive director according to procedures mutually agreed to by the Executive Committee and the executive director.
- Review and approve briefing papers, prepared by the proposer(s) and/or by the executive director in accordance with Council guidelines, which will be presented with motions for constitutional and/or bylaws amendments at the Annual Business Meeting or at a special meeting called by the Council.5
- Determine the annual level of compensation for the SAA staff within the policy guidelines established by the Council.
- Review and respond to appeals made in response to actions related to Code of Conduct violations.6
Approved by the Council: June 1991
Revised: May 2011, January 2012, July 2013, July 2014
1 The source for Section III.A.1 is the Bylaws of the Society of American Archivists, Bylaw 4.
2 The source for Section III.A.2 is the Bylaws of the Society of American Archivists Foundation, Article V, Section 5.2.1.
3 Unless otherwise noted, the source for Section III.B is the Bylaws of the Society of American Archivists, Bylaw 4.
4 Regarding investments, the Executive Committee acts in conjunction with the Finance Committee as specified in that Committee’s charge.
5 The language in Section III.B.1.d mirrors Bylaws of the Society of American Archivists, Bylaw 11, which originated as a proposed bylaw amendment adopted by Council at the May 24-26, 2011 meeting and approved by the membership at the August 2011 Annual Business Meeting.
6 SAA's Code of Conduct was adopted by the Council in an online vote in July 2014. A review cycle concurrent with that of SAA's Equal Opportunity/Non-Discrimination Policy was put in place, as well as a process for addressing violations.