WHEREAS the Committee on Research, Data, and Assessment was established in 2019 and principally charged to “provide access to significant and useful data and research about SAA, American archives, and their users that evidence the value of archives for society and help us improve our services to SAA members and to our consumers;” and
WHEREAS the Committee has published the Facts + Figure microsite which provides a conduit to data, resources, and tools to support archival advocacy efforts, assessment of archival impact, and research and innovation in the Society and archival profession; and
WHEREAS, in 2021, the Committee developed and launched the SAA Dataverse Repository for data created by the SAA community and allied organizations and individuals, in support of the “reuse of datasets for purposes of fostering knowledge, insights, and a deeper understanding of archival organizations, the status of archivists, and the impact of archives and archival work on the broader society;” and
WHEREAS the Committee has developed educational and outreach offerings and established collaborative relationships and initiatives to build and ensure sustainability of data, research, and assessment in the Society and archival profession; and
WHEREAS, in 2022, the Committee will embark on incorporating and managing the SAA Research Forum, that just celebrated its 16th year; and
WHEREAS the Committee, in support of Goal 3: Advancing the Field in the SAA Strategic Plan, has embarked upon producing a Research and Innovation Roadmap that will frame and inform future archival research, work, and scholarship;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Committee on Research, Data, and Assessment be honored with a 2022 SAA Council Resolution for their work to advance research, innovation, data, and assessment in the Society.
Presented August 27, 2022.