WHEREAS the Career Development Subcommittee of the SAA Membership Committee under the stewardship of Maggie Hoffman, Jenifer Monger, Brittany Newberry, and Samuel Alexander have created and maintained the SAA Career Services Commons; and
WHEREAS this group drafted and implemented a permanent online career portal for SAA members. Throughout the planning process for the 2020 Career Center, subcommittee members discussed whether the online Career Center might pave the way for a permanent resource for SAA members. Surveys sent to participants at the close of the 2020 Annual Meeting confirmed the subcommittee’s belief that a permanent, online version of the SAA Career Center would be a valuable resource for SAA’s membership; and
WHEREAS the SAA Commons offers the same services traditionally offered in person at the SAA Career Center but online throughout the year. Participants can choose from Career Advising sessions, Mock Interviews, or Resume Review sessions; and
WHEREAS rather than relying on the volunteer model used at the SAA Career Center, subcommittee members solicited a call for SAA Career Counselors who would commit to offering three hours per month for a one-year period;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Career Development Subcommittee of the SAA Membership Committee be honored with a 2022 SAA Council Resolution for their effort in developing and sustaining the SAA Career Services Commons.
Presented August 27, 2022.