
A gateway into a variety of resources that can be useful for understanding current and recent research efforts and how they can be adapted or emulated, as well as suggestions for fruitful areas for future research projects. 

Video Tutorials/Webinars

Works in Progress

An Annotated Reading List

  • Cifor, M., Evans, J., Punzalan, R., Ramirez, M.H., Soyka, H. Wartenbe, M., & Wilczek, E. (2014, July 14).  “Grand challenges.” Plenary panel at AERI 2014, University of Pittsburgh.

    A detailed examination by the AERI Grand Challenges Working Group of four selected grand challenge areas--Organizational transparency and accountability, Environmental sustainability, Human rights and social justice, Peace and security--and denoting recent archival research aligning with them.

  • Council of State Archivists. (2013).   The importance of state archives. Albany, NY: CoSA.

    This document has been prepared by the Council of State Archivists to identify the importance of the programs and functions provided by the state archives programs in the United States.

  • McKemmish, S., with Gilliland, A., Evans, J., Lau, A., & Rolan, G. (2016, July 9).   “ARK research: The state of the art.” Plenary presented at AERI 2016, Kent State University.

    This paper reports on the state of the art of archival and recordkeeping research in the English‐speaking world. It will present a thematic analysis of ARK research over the past 10 years, update previous analyses by Gilliland and McKemmish of the methodologies and methods being used in ARK research, and identify emergent areas.

  • Meissner, D. (2017, Spring/Summer).   "Bare necessities." American Archivist 80(1): 6-18.

    This presidential address argues that archivists must develop an understanding, supported by meaningful data, of who our users are, what services they value, how they want to use our collections, and which potential users we are not serving. We must understand the real economic impact of archives and archivists on their communities. The goal in this regard is to provide access to compelling data about American archives and their users that speak to the value of archives for society and that also help us improve our services to our consumers.

  • ProjectARCC.   Climate change syllabus.

    ProjectARCC members compiled a large and varied assortment of resources related to climate change, from general resources for the beginner, communication strategies about climate change, disaster response, and popular science.

  • Project STAND (2018).   Student Activism Now Documented website.

    Project STAND was formed in 2016 as an online collaborative project led by academic archives that serves as an access point for archival materials related to historical and current student activism, particularly in support of marginalized or underrepresented identities, including a toolkit to support the collecting activities. It provides an online clearinghouse where academic institutions can provide researchers a centralized access point to historical and archival documentation on the development and on-going occurrences of student dissent.

  • SAA Council (2022).   SAA Strategic Plan, 2022-2025.

    The SAA strategic plan, among its other uses, suggests useful areas for research that that would benefit the association and the archival community.

  • University of Cape Town (2018).   Archival platform.

    The Platform was envisaged as a vehicle for nurturing and promoting archival activism. It did this through information-sharing, dialogue and advocacy for social justice across South Africa’s archival and broader memory sectors. At the heart of the Archival Platform’s mission was a commitment to playing a catalytic role in enabling practitioners, theorists and the general public to reimagine the concept of ‘archive’ and to re-think the ways in which archiving is practiced in a changing world.

  • Weber, C. S. 2017.   "Research and learning agenda for archives, special, and distinctive collections in research libraries." Dublin, OH: OCLC Research.

    This research and learning agenda represents the latest in a long line of OCLC Research efforts on behalf of archives and special collections in research libraries, to discern and respond to current and emerging needs in the community, and to convene colleagues across the profession to collectively move the profession forward. It is practitioner focused and represents the results of numerous conversations, reading broadly, and thinking carefully about the most pressing needs that face our collective collections and operations. The agenda addresses areas of inquiry and potential research and learning opportunities, building on recent work in the profession.