Rep(s) to ALA Cmte on Cataloging: Description & Access and MARC Advisory Cmte (disbanded)

Established: October 17, 2013
Disbanded: 2020

Group Web Page: http://alcts.ala.ccdablog/
Secondary Email List:


I. Purpose
It is important for the views of archivists to be represented in deliberations about standards for description and access promulgated in the library world.

The Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA) is the body within the American Library Association (ALA) responsible for developing official ALA positions on additions to and revisions to RDA: Resource Description and Access (RDA). The standards embodied in RDA are used in catalog records found in national data bases and in local catalogs. This is a non-voting liaison.

The MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) advises the Library of Congress concerning changes to the MARC 21 format. The committee responds to proposals for changes in the format proposed by the community, including national libraries, bibliographic networks, and the ALCTS/LITA Metadata Standards Committee. As seen by the change from AACR to RDA, it is important that the archival perspective be represented in discussions about descriptive metadata standards that are used by many archivists.

II. Number and Length of Appointments

A single representative to CC:DA and MAC is appointed for a two-year term, and may be re-appointed for successive terms.

The representative should have expertise in description and access, and experience as a cataloger of archival collections and manuscript material, including non-paper formats.

III. Duties

  1. Solicit and consolidate responses from the archival profession to suggested changes to RDA rules and the MARC format.
  2. Provide information to CC:DA on the impact of suggested RDA rule changes on the archival profession.
  3. Provide information to MAC on the impact of suggested MARC format changes on the archival profession.
  4. Initiate recommendations for changes in RDA rules or the MARC format suggested by the archival profession.
  5. Serve as an ex officio member of SAA's Standards Committee.

IV. Reporting Procedures

The representative reports to the Standards Committee after each CC:DA and MAC meeting, prepares an annual report for inclusion in the Standards Committee’s annual report to Council in accordance with established procedures, and reports to Council when needed on other occasions.

The representative has no reporting requirements to CC:DA or MAC.

V. Meetings

The committees meet twice a year during the ALA's annual meeting in June and at the ALA's January midwinter meeting.  (Note:  SAA does not fund attendance at these meetings.)

VI. Related SAA Groups

  1. Standards Committee
  2. Description Section
  3. Electronic Records Section
  4. Roundtables as appropriate

VII. Group Contact Information

ALCTS Executive Director
American Library Association
50 East Huron Street
Chicago, Illinois  60611-2795
Phone: 1-800-545-2433 x5030

Approved by the SAA Council (separate reps):  1991
Revised (reps combined):  October 2013