The Dictionary Working Group produces the online Dictionary of Archives Terminology.
I. Purpose:
The Working Group's purpose is to establish and maintain mechanisms and procedures for ongoing updates and contributions of new content to the Dictionary and to ensure that this important resource adheres to the highest quality professional standards.
II. Appointments to the Working Group:
The Working Group consists of nine to twelve members, including two co-chairs. Working Group members serve four-year terms, which are staggered so that no more than one-fourth of the members are appointed each year. Members may be reappointed indefinitely in recognition of the specialized knowledge and training required to carry out the group’s duties and responsibilities. Co-chairs must be selected from the existing members of the Working Group, and they serve three-year, staggered terms for continuity. Co-chairs may be reappointed based on the recommendation of the Working Group. The Vice President, on behalf of the Council and with the recommendation of the Working Group, makes new appointments and appoints the co-chairs.
The Working Group may also include one early-career member, whom the Vice President appoints for a one-year term in accordance with the protocols for the early-career member volunteer program.
Up to two ex officio members may participate in the Working Group, including at least one SAA staff liaison. The Dictionary Working Group and the Publications Board should share the same SAA staff liaison to facilitate any coordination needed between the two groups.
III. Additional Contributors:
Occasionally, the Working Group will call for additional subject matter experts to assist with projects, such as data entry or defining specialized terms from the archival lexicon. The Working Group will select contributors who reflect a diversity of archival institutions and functional expertise and the demographic and geographic breadth of the profession. These contributors will be recognized for their involvement but will not be considered appointed members of the Working Group. These contributors may be added to the SAA communication platform for the Working Group at the request of the co-chairs.
IV. Duties and Responsibilities:
The Working Group has the following duties and responsibilities:
V. Reporting:
The Working Group reports to the Council annually and upon request.
Adopted by the SAA Council: August 22, 2011
Revised: August 2012, January 2014, October 2024