Policy for Removing a Non-Participating Member from a Council-Appointed Group

Non-participation by a member of a Council-appointed group (i.e., Boards, Committees, Task Forces, and Working Groups) is defined as missing two consecutive group and/or scheduled conference calls; not taking an active part in the work of the group; or not completing tasks within assigned deadlines.

As a first step, the Chair of a Council-appointed group should reach out to the non-participating individual to try to reach a constructive and collegial solution that will result in the member’s full participation.

If, after this first step, the chair of a Council-appointed group finds that a member is unwilling or unable to fulfill his or her obligations to the group, as described above, the chair may ask in writing for that member's voluntary resignation from the group.

The chair also will provide the SAA President and Executive Director with written notification of that action through the group’s Council liaison.

If there is no response to the call for resignation within one month of the date of the written communication, the chair of the group will notify the SAA President through the group’s Council liaison. The President will contact the member by telephone to notify the individual that she or he is about to be replaced on the group, but will allow the individual the opportunity to respond and explain the situation from her or his perspective. The President will then decide whether to remove the person from the group. If the individual is to be removed, the President will inform her or him of this action by letter, with a copy to the group chair. If deemed necessary, the Vice President/President-Elect will name a replacement to complete the group member's term.

In the case that the chair is unable or unwilling to fulfill his or her obligations, the SAA President will contact the chair to discuss replacement.

Adopted by the SAA Council: July 25, 2013
Revised: May 2016