Requesting Funds from Within SAA
Money is allocated for Section/Roundtable activities through the regular SAA budget process. Sections/Roundtables are not authorized to spend any monies or commit any monies to be spent without specific authorization from the SAA Executive Committee through the budget process or through special approval. Funding from within SAA is requested through annual reports which should be submitted by Section/Roundtable chairs by December 31 of each year. The budget for the following fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) is approved by the Council in May. Throughout the year, special approval for funding from within SAA may be obtained by submitting a request in writing to the SAA Executive Director at least sixty (60) days prior to the next Council meeting.
Solicitation of Funds or In-Kind Contributions from Outside Sources
If a Section/Roundtable wishes to seek resources (whether in case or in-kind) from any source outside SAA, Executive Committee approval must be obtained in every instance before approaching the source or before the transaction takes place. When approaching outside sources, the Section/Roundtable should keep in mind that, according to legal counsel, "to the extent that any monies are deducted by donors on their taxes, they are presumably deductible as business deductions and not charitable deductions." This holds true unless that donation is made to a special project fund.
Sections/Roundtables, although within the SAA structure, are not empowered to take action in the name of SAA, or to request money in the name of SAA or of the Section/Roundtable itself, without specific authorization of the Executive Committee. Under no circumstance should a Section/Roundtable maintain a separate bank account. This firm rule is required to protect SAA and its members from potential legal complications.
Use of SAA Name, Logo and Auspices
The use of SAA’s name, logo, and auspices for publications, meetings, mailings, websites, social networks, electronic communications, and other activities is available only through specific provision of the Council and shall conform to Uniform Guidelines for Use of the SAA Logo. Sections/Roundtables, although they are within the SAA structure, are not empowered to take action in the name of SAA, or request money in the name of SAA or the Section/Roundtable itself, without specific prior authorization of the Council. This firm rule is required to protect SAA and its members from potential legal complications.
Approved by Council: June 14, 1996
Revised: February 2010