When: Wednesday, August 8, 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Capacity: Maximum 20; minimum 10. Pre-registration is required.
Description: Join Linda Canada, SAA member and local historian, on a moderately paced walking tour along San Diego Bay. You’ll walk along the bay with stops to discuss aspects of San Diego’s history. The tour will end at a collection of shops and restaurants called Seaport Village, allowing tour members to get some lunch before making the short walk back to the Hilton Bayfront Hotel. Linda is a popular, long-time member of the San Diego History Center’s Speakers Bureau and has been leading tour groups in San Diego for more than 15 years.
Directions: Meet at the SAA registration desk in the conference hotel by 11:00 a.m. Wear comfortable walking shoes and take sun precautions (sunblock and/or a hat).
Contact: For reservations and information, contact Linda Canada, lcanada509@aol.com.