I. Purpose
The Technical Subcommittee on Archival Facilities Guidelines (TS-AFG) of the SAA Standards Committee oversees the ongoing maintenance and development of Archives and Special Collections Facilities: Guidelines for Archivists, Librarians, Architects, and Engineers (“Facilities standard”), a standard adopted by SAA. The Technical Subcommittee also investigates the feasibility of expansion of the Facilities standard to a national standard and/or a multi-organizational standard.
II. Subcommittee Selection, Size, and Length of Term:
TS-AFG shall be charged for five years, beginning August 2010, or until revisions to the Facilities standard are completed as described in the Procedures for Review and Approval of an SAA-Developed Standard. [TS-AFG's original length of term was extended to August 2016 by the SAA Executive Committee on July 27, 2015. The term was further extended to August 2018 by the SAA Council in November 2016. The term was further extended to August 2020 by the SAA Council in February 2019. The term was further extended to August 2022 by the SAA Council in November 2020. The term was extended to July 2024 by the SAA Council in November 2023] After revision work is completed, if the Facilities standard continues to be an approved standard of SAA, the TS-AFG shall be re-charged for a subsequent review cycle.
The members and chair(s) of the TS-AFG shall be appointed for the length of time necessary to complete revisions to the Facilities standard, which shall not exceed five years.
The Technical Subcommittee shall be composed of five to nine individuals, including the chair(s), to be recommended by the Standards Committee for appointment by the Vice President. The chair(s) and at least four other member of the Subcommittee shall be a member of SAA with demonstrated experience in archival facility issues. However, the Technical Subcommittee may include one to three members from other professions who have significant knowledge of and experience with archival facilities.
Ex officio members of the TS-AFG shall include the following:
III. Reporting Procedures:
The chair(s) of the TS-AFG shall report at least annually to the chair(s) of the SAA Standards Committee at the SAA Annual Meeting. If extramural funding is obtained by the SAA, the chair(s) shall provide all necessary narrative reports to the SAA office in order that reporting requirements of SAA and funding source are met.
IV. Duties and Responsibilities:
To fulfill its mission as described above, the TS-AFG is specifically charged to:
V. Meetings:
The TS-AFG shall carry out its charges primarily via electronic mail, regular mail, and conference calls. It may meet at the SAA Annual Meeting and as necessary provided that SAA Council-approved funding is available.
Revised by the SAA Council: January 2011; December 2013; July 2015; November 2016; February 2019; November 2020; November 2023.