Archival Elements 2015: Call for Submissions

Dear All,

Happy 2015! As is traditional in January, I'm soliciting contributions to this year’s issue of Archival Elements, the Science, Technology, and Health Care Roundtable newsletter. I’m looking for both short contributions (1-2 double-spaced pages) and longer articles (four to six double-spaced pages, ca. 1500 words) on topics related to collections, exhibits, and management of scientific, medical, and technical collections. The newsletter’s scope is flexible: we’ve had articles on everything from pioneers of pediatrics to 19th-century agricultural technology innovations.  First-time submitters are especially welcome!

Prospective authors should let me know as soon as they can that they intend to submit a paper or a shorter contribution.

Newsletter timeline:

  • Shorter contributions are due April 20
  •  Full-length articles are due May 30
  •  Newsletter goes out by August 3

I look forward to hearing from you!

Liz Phillips
STHC Newsletter Editor

Manuscript Archivist
UC Davis
(530) 752-1621