Standing Rules

Society of American Archivists
Public Library Archives/Special Collections Section



I. NAME.  The name of the section shall be the Public Library Archives/Special Collections Section (PLASC) of the Society of American Archivists (SAA).

II. MISSION. The Public Library Archives/Special Collections Section serves to encourage advocacy for and education about archival, manuscript, local history, genealogy, and other historic and special collections within public libraries of all sizes.

The Section provides an arena for discussion and dissemination of best practices of the archives, library, museum, and history fields. It works to support the informational, historical, and cultural interests that converge in public library archives and special collections. 

III. MEMBERS.  Membership in the section shall be determined according to the guidelines established in Section IX. of the SAA Governance Manual.


A. Bylaws and Standing Rules. These standing rules of the PLASC Section shall serve as a supplement to the SAA Section Bylaws, which govern all SAA sections. Please refer to Section IX. Sections of the SAA Governance Manual for information on membership, section election procedures, reporting requirements, and more. 


B. Officers. The officers of the roundtable shall be a Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. The Vice Chair shall be elected annually for a two-year term, serving in year one as Vice Chair and in year two as Chair. The Secretary shall be elected annually for a one-year term. Officers may serve a maximum of three consecutive years. In addition, two At-Large Members will be appointed by the Chair, each for a two-year term. A Webmaster will be appointed by the Chair for a one-year term. Together these three elected and three appointed individuals comprise the Roundtable’s Steering Committee. Officers shall fulfill those responsibilities specified in Section X. of the SAA Governance Manual.

C. Duties of Officers.   

1. Chair. 

a. The PLASC Chair serves a one-year term in office immediately following a oneyear term as Vice Chair. The term begins immediately after the Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting.

b. The Chair provides general oversight for all activities of the Roundtable, Steering Committee, and Roundtable committees.

c. The Chair, with the approval of the Steering Committee, shall appoint (or reappoint) all committee members.

d. The Chair schedules all PLASC meetings at the SAA Annual Meeting in consultation with the Steering Committee and provides communication about the meetings to SAA staff.

e. The Chair notifies the SAA Executive Office of newly elected leaders within 14 days of the close of the Annual Meeting and as changes may occur to the Steering Committee roster throughout the year. 

f. The Chair communicates actively with the Steering Committee about all Roundtable and committee business to ensure meeting of deadlines and completion of goals. The Chair advises the Steering Committee regarding communication from the Council Liaison.

g. The Chair utilizes the PLASC membership electronic discussion list to communicate Roundtable topics, discussion, and issues to foster a virtual community as needed.

h. The Chair presides at the annual business meetings and at all Steering Committee meetings.  

i. In conjunction with the Secretary, the Chair prepares and submits an annual report to the Society of American Archivists within 90 days of the close of the Annual Meeting.

j. The Chair maintains communication with the Council Liaison in regard to information, deadlines, and bylaw amendments.  

2. Vice Chair. 

a. The PLASC Vice Chair serves for two years, the first year at Vice Chair and the second year as Chair. The term begins immediately after the Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting. 

b. The Vice Chair oversees Roundtable committees and special projects as assigned by the Chair, and coordinates their work.

c. The Vice Chair attends and participates in all PLASC discussions and meetings.

d. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair presides at the annual business meeting and Steering Committee meetings.

e. The Vice Chair communicates actively with the Steering Committee about all Roundtable and committee business to ensure meeting of deadlines and completion of goals.  

f. The Vice Chair monitors and responds to communication on the PLASC membership electronic discussion list as needed.

3. Secretary. 

a. The PLASC Secretary serves a one-year term beginning immediately after the Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting and extending through the next Annual Meeting. 

b. The Secretary attends and participates in all PLASC discussions and meetings.

c. The Secretary communicates actively with the Steering Committee about all Roundtable and committee business to ensure meeting of deadlines and completion of goals.  

d. The Secretary prepares and disseminates minutes for all Steering Committee meetings and for annual business meeting.  

e. The Secretary distributes, and collects a sign-in sheet for the annual business meeting and includes the list of attendees in the minutes of the meeting.

f. In conjunction with the Chair, the Secretary prepares and submits an annual report to the Society of American Archivists within 90 days of the close of the Annual Meeting.

g. The Secretary monitors and responds to communication on the PLASC membership electronic discussion list as needed.

D. Steering Committee

1. At-Large Member(s). 

a. Two Roundtable members shall be appointed by the Chair to serve as At-Large Members of the Steering Committee, each serving for a two-year term that begins immediately following the Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting and extends through the next two Annual Meetings. Members shall be considered AtLarge to assume responsibilities on as-needed basis.  At least one of the At-Large Steering Committee members shall focus on the PLASC newsletter.

b. The At-Large Members shall be appointed by the Chair from among nominations received. Failing nominations the Chair may appoint At-Large Members on a volunteer basis.

c. At-Large Members attend and participates in all PLASC discussions and meetings.

d. At-Large Members communicate actively with the Steering Committee about all Roundtable and committee business to ensure meeting of deadlines and completion of goals.  

2. Webmaster.

a. The Webmaster shall be appointed by the Chair for a one-year term beginning immediately after the Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting and is extended through the next Annual Meeting. The Webmaster may serve a maximum of three consecutive years.

b. The Webmaster updates and maintains the PLASC website in coordination with the SAA staff; verifies that all website content is current and accessible; assists in building online collections of resources; fields questions and suggestions regarding online content from the membership.

c. The Webmaster attends all PLASC business meetings, at which he/she presents a report on website activities, problems, and recommendations.

d. The Webmaster communicates actively and maintains regular contact with the PLASC Steering Committee.

E. Nominations and Elections.  The Chair shall issue a call for nominations, including self-nominations, for all positions every June to all Roundtable members via the Roundtable’s official email discussion list and website. A slate of candidates shall be established by the Steering Committee and announced to Roundtable members no later than July 15.  

Elections shall be conducted online with the assistance of the SAA staff and in accordance with guidelines for section elections as specified in Section IX. Sections of the SAA Governance Manual. Availability of the online ballot and deadline for voting shall be announced by the Chair to all section members via the section’s official email discussion list and website.

F. Committees. Committees may be created as needed by the Steering Committee or the Chair.  The Chair shall appoint the members and designate the chair of each committee. Committees shall be responsible for completing short- and long-term goals as charged by the Steering Committee, and shall submit reports to the Steering Committee per the charge to the committee.

1. Committee chairs shall ensure communication with the Steering Committee.  Each committee chair shall submit a written annual report of committee activities, accomplishments, and action of the preceding year to the Chair and Secretary in advance of the annual membership meeting.  This will ensure that all committee activities will be included in the Roundtable report submitted by the Secretary.

2. Committee chairs shall facilitate communication between and among committee members to address topics, moderate discussion, and take action on committee business.

V. MEETINGS. The Roundtable shall hold a meeting in conjunction with the SAA Annual Meeting and may meet at other times as deemed appropriate by the Steering Committee. The time and agenda shall be communicated in advance via the Roundtable’s official email discussion list and website.

VI. AMENDMENTS. To ensure alignment with SAA’s governance documents, any amendments to the section’s standing rules should be reviewed by the executive director (or her/his designee) and the section’s Council liaison by May 1, before they are put forward in a referendum for vote by the section membership. Proposed amendments to the section’s standing rules will appear on the section’s annual election ballot for a final approval by a simple majority of the section’s membership. Any adopted amendments should be posted promptly to the section’s official microsite and be noted in the section’s next annual report to the Council. Any revisions to the section’s name or mission/description must be submitted to the Council for final approval. For more information on amendment procedures, see Section IX. Sections of the SAA Governance Manual.

Adopted by the PLASC Roundtable membership, January 2013. Updated per the member affinity group transition approved by the Council, August 2016. 

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