Military Archives Section Meeting in Portland

The business meeting portion of the Military Archives Section's gathering will focus on the issues of elections, the annual staff ride, the military archival directory, and the future of the Section.

After that, we'll have two presentations: about military classification and how to use your collections to embrace World War I during its centennial year.

1. Classification: what it is, the impact of over-classification, and what MAS can do to contribute to SAA's overall objective of greater access through declassification of military archival materials.

2. World War I for Dummies: How to Survive and Thrive During the WWI Centennial, 2017-2018: The 100 year anniversary of the U.S. entry into WWI is now upon us, which means that almost every archive will be called upon to support commemorative events over the next two years. How do we add our individual voices to the national narrative? This discussion will provide guides to help archivists with little time and modest resources, and provide ideas on quick displays, go-to websites, social media, images, and more.

We hope you will join us!