2013 Local Government Records RT - Adopted Bylaws

Society of American Archivists
Local Government Records Roundtable Bylaws

(Adopted by the Local Government Records Roundtable membership June 14, 2013)

I. NAME. The name of the roundtable shall be Local Government Records Roundtable.

II. MISSION. The mission of the roundtable is to provide a forum for dialogue among archivists concerned
with the administration, organization, and care of records of local government.

III. MEMBERS. Membership in the roundtable shall be determined according to the guidelines established
in Section X. of the SAA Governance Manual.


A. Officers. The roundtable shall be led by a Chair who is elected annually and who may not serve for
more than three successive years.

B. Duties of Officers. The Chair shall fulfill those responsibilities of officers specified in Section X. of
the SAA Governance Manual.

C. Nominations. The Chair shall issue a call for nominations, including self- nominations, for the
position of Chair every June to all roundtable members via the roundtable’s official email discussion
list and website. A slate of candidates shall be established by the Chair and announced to roundtable
members no later than June 15.

D. Elections. Elections shall be conducted online with the assistance of the SAA staff and in accordance
with the guidelines for Section elections as specified in Section IX. of the SAA Governance Manual.
Availability of the online ballot and the deadline for voting shall be announced by the Chair to all
roundtable members via the roundtable’s official email discussion list and website.

E. Appointments. Roundtable members may be appointed to additional leadership roles by the Chair.

V. MEETINGS. The roundtable shall hold a meeting in conjunction with the SAA Annual Meeting and
may meet at other times as deemed appropriate by the Chair. The time and agenda shall be communicated
in advance via the roundtable’s official email discussion list and website.

VI. AMENDMENTS. Amendments to these bylaws shall be determined by a majority vote of roundtable
members in a referendum held in conjunction with the roundtable’s annual election. Once adopted, new or
revised bylaws shall be submitted for approval by the Council to ensure that they become part of the
permanent record as a component of Council meeting minutes.

(Adopted by the Local Government Records Roundtable membership on 6/14/13;

approved by the SAA Council on 9/30/13).