Key Contact Subcommittee Description

Key contacts have two major functions:

  1. Welcoming new members to SAA from their assigned region;
  2. Leveraging personal and professional connections to introduce people to SAA and to promote the value of the Society’s programs and services

The work of the 70 or so volunteers who serve as Key Contacts and District Representatives complements the activities of the national office in welcoming new members to the Society. The goal of the Key Contact program is to bring a personal touch early on to our new members, resulting in a more cohesive and active membership. Generally on a bi-monthly basis, subcommittee co-chairs distribute new membership lists to District Representatives, who then in turn distribute information to appropriate Key Contacts. The list typically includes the name, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the new members from their state. Key Contacts then reach out to these new members by formal letter, e-mail message, telephone call, and/or face-to-face contact. The approach a Key Contact utilizes is entirely one of personal choice.

Key Contacts may receive general questions from new members and seek to answer questions or put new members in touch with individuals or other resources that can answer their questions. When Key Contacts receive feedback of significance from members, they filter it to their District Representative, who shares it with Key Contact Subcommittee Co-chairs, who work with SAA staff to respond accordingly. 

District Representatives assist in identifying replacements for positions that come available within their district and for communicating on a regular basis with the subcommittee co-chairs.

Key Contacts and District Representatives typically serve three year terms, with the option of renewing for a second term.