Important Dates & Deadlines

The following are some key deadlines to keep in mind as you plan your group's work for the coming year:

September 1

Appointed Group + Section Annual Reports
The outgoing Chair submits the group’s annual report. SAA Governance Manager will send information on how to submit via the Leader List.  If your group would like the Council to consider a funding request for group activities in the next fiscal year, include that request in your annual report if possible. See March 1 for more budget information.

October 1

Archival Outlook Submission Deadline
Submit your article in time for the January/February issue of Archival Outlook, SAA's bimonthly magazine. Articles are typically 700 words (one page in layout) to 1,200 words (two pages in layout) in length. They should include some kernel of information that will enlighten the reader professionally. Photographs are encouraged. Please contact Julia Pillard with queries and ideas. 

October 1

Agenda Items for Council Fall Meeting
Submit to your Council liaison any recommendations you may have for Council action or discussion at the Council's fall meeting (typically held in early November). Agenda items are due to your liaison 4 weeks before the meeting; materials must be submitted 3 weeks before the meeting. 

November 15

Annual Meeting Session Proposals
Session proposals due to the Program Committee. Visit the Annual Meeting page for the upcoming conference for mroe information

SAA Foundation Grants: Letter of Inquiry Due
The initial Letter of Inquiry should be a brief introductory exchange. It is designed to reduce the work for an applicant by providing a quick answer to the question: Is my proposal something that fits the funding priorities of the SAA Foundation? See the Application Guidelines for more information.

December 1

Archival Outlook Submission Deadline
Submit your article in time for the January/February issue of Archival Outlook, SAA's bimonthly magazine. Articles are typically 700 words (one page in layout) to 1,200 words (two pages in layout) in length. They should include some kernel of information that will enlighten the reader professionally. Photographs are encouraged. Please contact Julia Pillard with queries and ideas. 

January 10

Agenda Items for Council Winter Meeting
Submit to your Council liaison any recommendations you may have for Council action or discussion at the Council's winter meeting (typically held in early February). Agenda items are due to your liaison 4 weeks before the meeting; materials must be submitted 3 weeks before the meeting. 

February 1

SAA Foundation Grants: Applications Due
The Grant Application is a refinement of the initial letter of inquiry. It includes a narrative proposal and budget statement and answers a number of questions. See the Application Guidelines for more information.

Archival Outlook Submission Deadline
Submit your article in time for the March/April issue of Archival Outlook, SAA's bimonthly magazine. Articles are typically 700 words (one page in layout) to 1,200 words (two pages in layout) in length. They should include some kernel of information that will enlighten the reader professionally. Photographs are encouraged. Please contact Julia Pillard with queries and ideas. 

 February 28

SAA Awards and Scholarship Nominations Due
Nominate your colleagues for SAA's Awards and Scholarships - click on the link to a specific award to see the nomination guidelines. Email with any questions. 

March 1

Component Funding Requests Due
Deadline for submitting to your Council liaison any funding requests for consideration as part of the draft budget for the new fiscal year. (The SAA fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30). 

April 1

Archival Outlook Submission Deadline
Submit your article in time for the May/June issue of Archival Outlook, SAA's bimonthly magazine. Articles are typically 700 words (one page in layout) to 1,200 words (two pages in layout) in length. They should include some kernel of information that will enlighten the reader professionally. Photographs are encouraged. Please contact Julia Pillard with queries and ideas. 

April 10

Agenda Items for Council Spring Meeting
Submit to your Council liaison any recommendations you may have for Council action or discussion at the Council's spring meeting (typically held in mid-May). Agenda items are due to your liaison 4 weeks before the meeting; materials must be submitted 3 weeks before the meeting. 

May 1

Component Annual Meetings Scheduled
Submit your section or appointed group's annual meeting details for inclusion in the Annual Meeting schedule. See the Leader List for submission forms. Include agenda, description, and indication of whether it is a solo or joint group meeting. All meetings will take place between July 1 through August 1.

Section Elections: Call for Nominations
Deadline to issue calls for nominations for section elections to your section discussion list. See the Section Elections Guide for more information. 

June 1

Section Elections: Ballot Information
Sections submit basic ballot information (message to voters, list of offices, candidate names, links to supplementary information, etc.) to Hannah Stryker at See the Section Elections Guide for more information. 

Archival Outlook Submission Deadline
Submit your article in time for the July/August issue of Archival Outlook, SAA's bimonthly magazine. Articles are typically 700 words (one page in layout) to 1,200 words (two pages in layout) in length. They should include some kernel of information that will enlighten the reader professionally. Photographs are encouraged. Please contact Julia Pillard with queries and ideas. 


Section Elections: Ballots Open
SAA staff facilitates online elections. (Note: dates are tentative.) Eligible members are sent unique links to the ballots via Survey Monkey. Ballots remain open for two weeks. Within a week of the ballot closing, staff notifies group leaders of the results (interpretation of results, notifications, and reporting is the responsibility of the group leaders). Group leaders notify staff, via their annual reports, of the new roster by September 1.

July 1

Agenda Items for Summer Council Meetings
Submit to your Council liaison any recommendations you may have for Council action or discussion at the summer Council meetings (held in conjunction with the SAA Annual Meeting). Agenda items are due to your liaison 4 weeks before the meeting; materials must be submitted 3 weeks before the meeting.


Leadership Orientation and Forum
All leaders attend the SAA Leadership Orientation and Forum, held in conjunction with the SAA Annual Meeting. See the conference schedule for more information. 

 August 1

Archival Outlook Submission Deadline
Submit your article in time for the September/October issue of Archival Outlook, SAA's bimonthly magazine. Articles are typically 700 words (one page in layout) to 1,200 words (two pages in layout) in length. They should include some kernel of information that will enlighten the reader professionally. Photographs are encouraged. Please contact Julia Pillard with queries and ideas. 

September 1

Appointed Group + Section Annual Reports
The outgoing Chair submits the group’s annual report. SAA Governance Manager will send information on how to submit via the Leader List.  If your group would like the Council to consider a funding request for group activities in the next fiscal year, include that request in your annual report if possible. See March 1 for more budget information.